# Extension Settings

# CMake Options

  • cmake.cmakePath: Path to the CMake executable
  • cmake.cmakeAPI: Choose between CMake Server (depreacted) or File API

# Visual Settings

  • cmake.configureOnStart: Start the configuration process when opening a source folder (eg. starting VSCode, adding workspace folder)
  • cmake.showConsoleAutomatically: Automatically show the CMake or build output
  • cmake.reconfigureOnChange: Start the (re-)configuration process when changing CMake files.

# Configuration Defaults

The following settings describe the default values for configurations, which will be used if no value is presend with in the configurations files. All settings behave the same as they were specified in the configurations file (e.g variable substitution). The defaults can be set on a user, workspace (window) or folder level. The value in brackets afterwards, show the default value for the settings.

  • cmake.default.generator: The default generator (Default: Ninja)
  • cmake.default.extraGenerator: The default extra generator
  • cmake.default.buildDirectory: The default build folder (Default: ${workspaceFolder}/build)
  • cmake.default.cacheEntries: The default cache entries
  • cmake.default.env: The default environment variables

# Cpptools Integration

CMake Integration extension provides build information to the cpptools Extension for C/C++ Source files to support language services. The behaviour of the integration can be customize through the VS Code settings. For more information about BrowseConfiguration and SourceFileConfiguration also refer to the cpptools documentation. When no settings are used, the compiler path and Windows SDK Version (for MSVC) are guessed from the coresponding CMake cache entries. This is not very reliable as those informations are not always written to the cache.

  • cmake.cpptools.globalBrowseTargets: Select custom projects or targets to include in the global browse configuration.
  • cmake.cpptools.browseTargets: Select custom projects or targets to include in the workspace browse configuration.
  • cmake.cpptools.guessSourceFileConfigurations: Enable guessing a SourceFileConfiguration for files unknown to CMake. Configurations are guessed based on paths of targets. (Default: True)
  • cmake.cpptools.compilerPath: Provides the compiler path reported to cpptools. If empty, the compiler path from CMake is used. CMake currently is unreliable and it is a good choice to set the path in the settings.
  • cmake.cpptools.intelliSenseMode: Provide the intelliSense Mode. When not set, the mode is determined by the compiler path.
  • cmake.cpptools.windowsSdkVersion: Provides the Windows SDK Version reported to cpptools. If empty, the version from CMake is used. CMake currently is unreliable and it is a good choice to set the version in the settings.
  • cmake.cpptools.languageConfiguration.CXX, cmake.cpptools.languageConfiguration.C, cmake.cpptools.languageConfiguration.CUDA: Language dependend settings for the compilerPath and the intelliSense Mode. This settings have the highest predecence when resolving the path and mode.

# Build Settings

The extensions allows you to extended the dependencies management beyond a single source folder by specifying special workspace settings.

# Target Selection

Target for those special settings can be either a full project building all targets of this project

{ "project": "cmake" }

or a single target from a project.

{ "project": "cmake", "target": "ctest" }

# Workspace Targets

With the cmake.build.workspaceTargets setting option, the behaviour of the cmake.build.buildWorkspace command can be changed. By default, all targets of each project in a workspace will be build. Alternatively, the setting allows to specify an array of targets as described above, which will be build instead. This includes all dependencies specified either by CMake or by this extension.

"cmake.build.workspaceTargets": [
  { "project": "projectA" },
  { "project": "projectB", "target": "commandA" }

# Target Dependencies

In addition to the dependency management provided by CMake, the extension provides a mechanism to specify dependencies between different CMake source folder (or workspace folders). Prio to building a certain target or project, all dependencies will be resolved and build. In case of building a project (build all), all dependencies of the project and all dependencies of the project targets will be used.

"cmake.build.targetDependencies": [
    "project": "projectB",
    "target": "exeB",
    "dependencies": [
      { "project": "projectA", "target": "libA" }

The example shows, how a library in an extra CMake source folder can be build, before the executable linking to it.