# Configurations for CMake

Configurations can be used to customize the behaviour of the CMake build and can be used to control every aspect of the build process with CMake. The extensions comes with a set of default configurations matching the integrated build types of CMake (Debug,Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel). Furthermore, there are default values in place for every configuration property. The default values are speciefied by the VS Code settings and can be changed through the settings editor.

To edit the configurations with in VS Code, use the Edit Configurations command. This will open the cmake_configurations.json within the .vscode/ folder. The configurations are seperate for each workspace folder. There is a json schema supplied by the extension to guide you through the editing process. Changing the configuration file will trigger a validation of the schema and the configurations are only changed, if the file is validated sucessfully. Afterwards, the build directories are updated to reflect the new configurations.

The base structure of the cmake_configurations.json file looks like:

  configurations: [

The configurations property holds an array of configuration objects.

# Configuration Object

A configuration object has the following properties:

# configuration.name

Specifies the name of the configuration. Must be a unique within the configurations. The name is shown in the status bar and used to the select a new configuration.

# configuration.buildDirectory

Sets the CMake build directory, where the build system is generated.

# configuration.generator

Select the build system generator to use. See the CMake Documentation for a complete list of generators.

# configuration.buildType

Sets the build type for the current build. Depending on the generator, the build type is added as configuration parameter (See CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) or as build parameter for multi-configuration generators (e.g. Visual Studio). (See CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES)

# configuration.toolchain

Specifies either a path to a toolchain file as string or an object, which will be used to generate a toolchain file. The object keys are used as variable names and the string values are used as values for the set command. The specified or generated toolchain file will be passed as argument to CMake on configuration. (See CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE)

  toolchain: {
    "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME": "Linux",
    "triple": "arm-linux-gnueabihf",
    "CMAKE_C_COMPILER": "clang",
    "CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET": "${triple}",
    "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER": "clang++",
    "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET": "${triple}"

The example above generates the following toolchain file:

set(triple arm-linux-gnueabihf)

# configuration.env

Allows to set additional environment variables for the configuration and build processes. The env object keys speciefy the variable names and the object values the variable values.

  env: {
    "QT_DIR": "/opt/qt5-dev/"

With variable substituations, existing variables can be extended.

    "PATH": "${env:PATH}:/opt/qt5-dev/bin",

# configuration.cacheEntries

Specifies additional CMake cache entries, which will be passed via command line argument. It is an array of cache entries, where each entry must have a name and a value and can have a type. See the CMake Documentation for additional information on cache entries.

  "cacheEntries": [
      "name": "BOOST_ROOT",
      "value": "/opt/boost-1.44",
      "type": "PATH"

# Variable substitutions

Values of the configuration fields buildDirectory, toolchain, env and cacheEntries may use variable substitution to replace the variable specification with the actual variable value. Variables are definied by the following pattern: ${varName}.

The following variables exists:

  • sourceFolder: CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR path
  • workspaceFolder: Workspace folder path
  • name: Configuration name
  • buildType: Configuration buildType
  • generator: Configuration generator
  • env:EnvName: ´Environment variable with the name EnvName.